May 28, 2010

Lake in Upper Bavaria

Upper Bavaria is a wonderful part of Germany, with its blue lakes, high mountains and green hills and forests. You can have a lovely time there - walking, swimming, and relaxing in one of the numerous beergardens.

May 18, 2010

Baltic Sea Card

This is one of the cards I included in my latest Squidoo lens "On the Waterfront" which features all my creations having to do with water.
I am still learning how to work with tags. I had a look at other Zazzle stores, and most of them use far more tags than me. Hmm!
And then I've got the idea to write down my list of tags concerning each series in a google doc, and to copy it from there into the tag field of the various items I am creating. This prevents leaving tags out or changing the order of them. Why did not I think of that earlier?

Baltic Sea card
Baltic Sea by ullahennig
Shop for another greeting card on

May 12, 2010

Watermill in Denmark

This is a photo of a very nice half-timbered watermill in the north of Denmark. I took it when I spent three wonderful weeks in Denmark in the summer of 2007.

May 9, 2010

Water lilies

I took this photo when I was strolling through the "Britzer Garten", a big park in the south of Berlin. There is a little lake with some fish in it, and those white water lilies.
water lilies mousepad
water lilies by ullahennig
Make a mouse pad online at zazzle

May 8, 2010

Rheinsberg Castle, Germany

Rheinsberg Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany. It has a wonderful park with a lake attached to it.